Dear David,
We have definitely been in a good place, a lovely house in a pretty neighborhood. A holiday every year. But after our business went belly up, we went broke. I saw the other side of life. Hardly able to buy groceries for my family. Heartbreaking. We decided to sell our family home to pay the looming debt and now we are in a more balanced place. We are 40, renting a nice house, in a nice neighborhood. But we are debt free. I am writing to tell you two things..
Today I started your book, Start Late, Finish Rich. Very excited to start looking ahead again, instead of being weighed down by the past. I will let you know how it works out for us!
The other reason is, while we were getting on our feet I went to work at Starbucks. (great company by the way!) I can’t tell you how many people charge their purchases! I would cringe when I would see someone charge their vente latte and muffin every day, 5 days a week! That is a huge ‘Latte Factor’!!
My mantra now is, if we can’t pay cash, we don’t do it. Nothing is charged. I think I’m the only one of our friends that wasn’t in debt after Christmas, and paid cash this year for a trip to Disneyland.
Today I start our journey to save for our future, thank you for the inspiration!
Kind Regards,
Christine Musgrave
Vancouver Canada