Dear David,
I started reading your books in 2008, and decided to give your advice a try because it seemed to make lots of sense to me. In 2009 I doubled my income! I went from making $12.50 an hour to making $25 an hr. I started saving, and I secured a $1mm term life policy that would’ve taken my then youngest daughter through 18 years of age. Well wouldn’t you know it, by December of that year the small devlopment firm I worked for was in trouble and I was out of a job.
I had three months worth of living expences saved (not bad for 7 months of work) and was hoping for the best but not overly concerned because my husband was still working.
David, within three months of losing my job I had a breast cancer scare (I was 26) found out I was pregnant with baby girl # 4, and my husband became disabled due to a work related injury. I remained umemployed for the rest of the year, and my family and I ended up in a shelter.
I am happy to say that I am working again, and still in my field of real estate. In addition to saving money for us to move I have finally really commited to saving 12% of my income! David I only make $10 an hr. If I can do it anyone can do it. With the exception of a Macy’s card with a $100 limit I have always been cash and carry. Yes I have brought things I couldn’t really afford but always with cash.
I just wanted to let you know that your advice has really made a difference in my life, and we sould be out of the shelter by the end of next month. In the short time I’ve been back at work I have managed to save 3 months of my family’s rent contribution which is 30% of our income.