I was a single mom with a 6 year old daughter and was enganged and pregnant when i came across your book. My fiance at the time I knew was having financial problems and I was worried if I would end up a single mom with two kids. I was traveling out of town and need a book for the plane and I thought. Why not. I’m not a big reader but when I read your book Start Late Finish Rich. I couldn’t stop. It was easy to read and it seemed so simple. I started implementing your strategies. Let’s just say this. My ex (fiance) who has a degree in Business finance and ex wife was an accountant ended up filling for banckruptcy, losing his car, and living with his parents. As for me, I am a single mom with two kids. But, don’t feel bad. I’m debt free, bought a new home, have savings and looking to go back to school. I have no college eductation and don’t make a lot of money. I just learned how to make my money work for me and be smart. There is not greater feeling as a single mom then to go to bed everynight knowing you are financially secure. Your book was the best money I ever spent and I will make sure my kids read it.