My name is Annette and I’m 44 years old. In March of this year, the TD Bank informed me of the tax free savings account. I agreed to open an account and they transfer $50/week into that account from my chequeing automatically. After borrowing your book Start Late, Finish Rich, from the library (one point for me for borrowing the book and not buying it, since buying books is our Latte Factor) I wanted to follow the $10/day savings advice and have recently increased my automatic transfer from $50 to $70/week. I currently have saved $1000 which may not seem like much to you, but it’s a huge success for me!
Also, the TD bank offers another savings plan that I accepted that I wanted to pass on to you so that you can let others know… Everytime I used my debit card, I can select how much automatically goes into “a” savings account. I was at $0.50/debit card use. After reading your book, I’ve increased it to $1.00/transaction. It’s slow, but it’ll add up. I believe you can maximize the transfer up to $5/per transaction. Just a quick and easy and way to save a bit here and there without noticing at all!
Just wanted to tell you how thankful I am to have discovered your book at the library. It’s an easy read with practical and doable advice! I too wish that I would have learned about all these different ideas of putting money aside years ago! I would be so much further ahead by now…shouda, coulda, woulda, but didn’t.
I look forward to writing you in 10 years with a real success story!