Luckily I purchased Smart Women Finish Rich when I was 17 years old! Because I was able to apply key principles from the book,such as the power of the latte factor, and jump starting a savings account at a young age to get the max benefit from comound interest, I was started contributing to a Roth IRA at age 17, graduate from college debt free, have a large nest egg for my family, and own the home of my dreams!
Today, 9 years later, I have been able to realize all of my dreams: financial, personal and professional because I have respect for money and discipline to pay myself first. My husband and I were able to buy our first home worth $575,000,with a nice down payment to put down, and have been contributing to Roth and Traditional IRA’s, 401k, and an emergency account.
Because David Bach was able to clearly define a simple and easy plan for me to figure out at such a young age, I am now ahead of my peers and on my way to finish rich by the age of 55 (my goal retirement age.)