My girlfriend’s mother just bought her your book ” Start Late Finish Rich” for Christmas. She is really only just starting to get into the whole make money, save money, spend less thing. We are both only 19. I knew she would not read it for a while so I decided to borrow it. I am now just getting to the part that talks about credit cards and decided to tell you about my credit card use since I think you will appreciate it. I have had my Mastercard for about a year now and have not been hit with a fee or interest charge yet. I only charge to my card what I know I have for cash and then once I get home I pay my bill to the company online so I do not forget to and will not spend more than I have. My card also gives me cash back bonuses and for every 200 dollars in cash back bonuses they will give me a 250 dollar check. As a result so far I have been able to build my credit and actually make money from using my credit card and staying on top of my payments. Not to mention all of the trips to the ATM I have saved myself from not having to go get cash. Its not really a success story but I thought I would share it.
Lincoln Blackie
West Springfield, MA