My name is Ana Calderon and I am a 20 year old mom to be. I know I am very young, but I have always worried about money issues. I come from a very low income family. I have struggled to get myself through Jr college and recently graduated with my associates degree. At my young age I have many responsabilities. I have to pay bills, which include store credit cards, visa credit card, house bills, and all the bills you can probably think of. I have been married for awhile now, and I am now expecting a child, which is soon to be born. I thought everything was so easy until now that I have to face the real world. I can get real stressed out making ends meet. I recently read your book ‘Smart Women Finish Rich’, and let me congratulate you for the enormous confidence you have given me. I can honestly tell you that it has change my life in many ways. I now see that I was never really in a really bad situation. I was only managing my money all the wrong ways. Your words have encourage me to continue with my education and achieve for more. It might be hard since I am a mother, but it is not impossible. I sincerely thank you for the hope that just maybe by the age of 30 I will be doing better than I imagine.