Thank you so very much for writing such an inspirational guide to managing finances! My husband and I have been together for over six years (married for two), and it wasn’t until about about five months ago that we began having “financial conflict” and disagreements about our money management (or lackthereof). It is so refreshing to know that every piece of important mail has its own folder/file (and if it’s not important, it’s trash!). Furthermore, my husband and I had some of the ugliest arguments we’ve ever had in our six years together; but, we’ve worked through our issues and now feel resolve thanks to your financial guidance!!! My husband has always been “money-saavy”; but, it was really exciting for me to actually see where all of our money goes and to know that we actually do have money to invest and to pay off bills that have been lingering for far too long! In fact, we are only months away from paying off THREE major bills that will free up nearly $800 more a month to be put toward other bills. Additionally, since we are in the military, we have already begun to invest in the TSP and in a Roth IRA, money market and stock funds (and we began at age 23 — we’re now 26) — Anyway, I can go on for a while about how your book has changed our life and the way we communicate with each other — but, I’ll end this with a final “Thank You”! You have saved our financial future! Sincerely,