It was costing us about 70 for three months of trash pick up service. I told my husband to start taking the garbage to the dump. It now cost us about $10.00 every three months, a savings of $60.00 for three months or $20.00 per month. The biggest savings was to cut out my cell service from $100. + per month for minutes that we were not using. I cut my phone down to the emergency call rate of $10.00 per month and my husband’s service to a pre paid plan that averages about $20.00 per month. This now is saving us $70.00 per month. I cut down on the cost of satellite T.V., a savings of $15.00. I also cut and color my hair saving $240 every three months or $80.00 per month. Now I have saved $224 a month. Now I put it on my retirement account. Yea!