Dear David,
A couple of years ago after one year of marriage I noticed that my husband and I had very different thoughts and values about finances. I got your smart couples finish rich book. My values were for a happy marriage, financial security and peace of mind. I started saving 10% in my 401k and got a raise at work. I also went back to school. I really curbed my latte factor as well. My husbands only goal was to buy a kayak on my credit card and continue to buy 3 extra large coffees and a $7 luch everyday. We are now divorced, I got your smart women finish rich book and I’m going to see a finacial planner this week. It helped to open my eyes to what a destructive relationship we really had, I am so much happier now. I am greatful to people like yourself who care enough to help other succeed.
-AnnMarie Lally