I am a 28 year old Canadian and I picked up “Smart Women Finsh Rich” at the library. When I read that women should be saving 12% of what they make, I thought that’s impossible! No way can I save that much and have enough left over to live on! I started contributing to my company’s group RRSP when I was 22. I didn’t really know what an RRSP was, but when I found out that my company would match the amount I put in, I knew I had to take part. How could I pass up free money? Last year, my company switched over to a Pension program. My company puts in 5% of my salary and it comes out of their pocket! Free Money! I am still contributing to my RRSP and topping up my Pension too. I also take part in my employee stock purchase program. I knew I was saving automatically each month, but I didn’t know how much. I took a good look at my pay stub and worked out the numbers. I am totally shocked. I am saving 11.9% of what I make and I didn’t even notice! The best part is, my employer contributes towards my Pension and Stock plan too, so with what they are putting in, I am saving 18.5% of what I make. I am going to be a Millionaire and I didn’t even know it.
I just bought “Start Late, Finish Rich” and I am going to give it to my mom. She is 52 and doesn’t have any money saved for retirement, but it is never too late to start!.
Erin Knighton