My husband and I have tripled the latte factor (gas factor, clothes factor, lunch factor) by both working from HOME! I never have to go out for coffee or lunch, and all the clothes I wear are casual (I am a Mom of two small children). We are both here when our kids get home from school around 2 pm and we have dinner on the table by 6:00 pm every evening – I estimate it at $10 per day savings on lunch and breakfast (coffee, etc), $100 a month on gas and amazing savings (suits, dry cleaning for a man and a woman every week, panty hose, men
s ties, we both dress like students, it is great! I used to have an Ann Taylor card and I got rid of it 5 years ago when I started working from home). We both work from home for a fortune 500 corp, but I believe many self employed individuals can catch this trend and spend/save their money elsewhere than on working expenses. Laura