Dear David:
My husband and I have been married for 3.5 years and I had struggled with credit card debt from college until about six months ago. My husband and I are both in sales making good money, but are finding it tough to establish a savings. Last year I finally said “enough is enough” and began paying $1000 a month to get my credit cards paid off. After about 10 months I finally paid them off!! With the sense of a “new beginning,” I was eager to learn how to get ahead financially and stay there. That’s when I began reading Smart Couples Finish Rich. I couldn’t put the book down–After 3 days I had read the book and was eager to get started with my “automatic” savings plan. Without delaying a moment, I went online and maxed out my 401K contribution (I was only contributing 6% of my income before)and set up an automatic Money market (4.5%APY)account which already has over $10,000 in just a few months. I enjoyed the different investment options you suggested–I could find one that worked for my husband and I at this stage in our lives. Your book really opened our eyes to where our money was going on a daily basis and how easy it really is to start saving when you make it “automatic.” We’re now looking at our next investment. Thanks so much for getting us on the right track!!
Amy Moomey