Hi David.
I finished reading Start Late, Finish Rich a few days ago and have already put into play some of your money-saving ideas. We figured out our latte factor and realized that we were basically throwing away $400.00/month on buying lunches, coffee, and many other little add-ons that we never thought would add up to much. As of yesterday, we increased our monthly deposits into our companies 401K plans, and also plan to send an additional $250.00/month to the principal on our house. We should now be able to pay off our house within the next 10 years!
My husband and I were both really excited to see in writing (in your book) that it is never too late to change the way you think about money. We are both in our 40’s and had just about given up the thought of ever being able to retire. I’m sure you’ve heard it over and over again….we thought we would be working until the day we died.
Thank you for making this book so easy to understand. Thank you for giving us hope!
Marianne Keane