I am married with one child and although my husband and I fair well, I really did not understand why we could not meet our yearly savings goal or even how we had accumulated so much debt. Well, after reading several of your books I recognized that we drove our money and that we were not investing our monies wisely. At the end of each year we would net a big fat zero in our savings account.
I recently joined my employee sponsored matching program (I honestly did not know that our company had one, as no one had ever mentioned it to me). They match 3% of my contribution. I have now match out on my monthly contribution of 10%. My husband is also maxing out with his company at 10%. We opened up a 529 account for our daughter with an automatic contribution from our checking account. We also use our online bill pay services (free with our bank), to pay our mortgage and most of our bills. I can already recognize the savings in the amount of postage I save. Well we still have issues with consumer debt (i.e. credit cards and car loans), but I work diligently in eliminating them and pray that in time and with hard work that I can eliminate all consumer debt, with the exemption of our mortgage in 3 years. I also pay an extra 8% towards my mortgage per month. Once I eliminate more debt, I plan to increase it to 15%. My husband says it is ambitious but I have a clear goal in mind. I can’t believe the years that we have thrown away, but we are learning. We still have some issues with spending and I am findin the holidays extremely difficult, but reading the other stories are giving me strength.
I now give your book as birthday presents. My co-workers and I are always sharing new ideas on living a debt free life. My new venture is to add extra income to my household and using that income to help to eliminate debt.
I thank you for your insight and your wisdom. God Bless You,