Dear dear David, I hope calling you “dear” isn’t disrespectful but you are dear to me. Here is my story. For months and months I tried to avoid you. You were everywhere, Channels 3, 5 and 8 and on CNN and Fox News. I didn’t want to hear what you had to say because I knew you weren’t talking to me. So why waste my time listening to a rich man talking to other rich men about how to become more rich? I was too poor, too female, too under educated, too under employed, too under paid and most importantly it was TOO LATE for me to finish rich so I searched for the remote every time I saw your face, heard your voice or saw the cover of one of your books. I did that everytime I saw you until I saw you on “GOOD DAY LIVE”. On this day I tried but I could not turn away, turn your down, turn you off or hit mute. Why not? I couldn’t find the remote. I rolled off the couch, saying not him again, crawled on the floor searching, searching, searching for the remote. I crawled to the t.v. prepared to manually turn you off when you spoke directly in my ear. You said, If you start late you can finish rich and I knew you were talking to ME. Instead of turning you down, I turned you UP! You got my attention but I still didn’t act right away. Why not? Your book was never “in” at the library. I didn’t think I could afford to buy it so what I did was read a page or two every time I went to the mall. It made a whole lot of sense but I didn’t have the cents to purchase it. Then I had a bright idea. My birthday was coming up and your book is what I asked for. That’s ALL I asked for.The good news is I got it. The bad news is I waited three days to read it. When I did read it, I read it in one sitting and it changed my life. OH MY GOD. I have read it three times since June 17 and I’ve read Smart Women and the Automatic Millionaire but Start Late is my baby. I went throught the woulda coulda shouldas not for all the years that I wasted, but for the months. All those opportunities I had to hear this wisdom was washed down the drain. I try to laugh but it isn’t funny! You were following me and you finally caught up with me. Now here’s the deal. I am still under employment and under paid but I am not under educated. I know what to do and I am slowly doing it. Now I look forward to seeing you on the T.V. I check my email everyday hoping you’ve sent a newsletter. I visit you website evertyday sometimes twice a day. I talk talk talk about finishing rich to anyone who wlll stand still long enough to listen. I am so serious about this that I would un-nerve Y-O-U. I plan to see you in Dayton in August.
I have a long way to go but I am on the road and you will hear from me again. I promise