I received my materials about a month ago and have been listening to your CD’s and reading every day. So far I have doubled what I put in my deferred comp program through work each payperiod so I’m up to 12%. I know my Latte factor $306/mo! I have cut that in half. I own my own home already. I was afraid to let go of the money I had access to, but have taken a leap of faith I won’t miss it and have an account for saving that does not have ready access. I share what I’m learning with my daughter. I am working on my emergency fund and automated savings for it. I have to tell you money in general scares me to death. Your coaching program is exactly what I need. It has the reading material to build skills and homework for accountability as well as the verbal reinforcement I need.
I am 49 years old and hate dealing with money. This is the first program that makes sense to me. I automated part of my financial life before and it was what gave me peace of mind so when I read that I needed to automate my financial future I knew it was for me. It is pure torture to go through the steps, but I know once I get it set up I will have conquered my fear and be on my way to financial security. Thank you for giving me the challenges I need to take care of myself instead of everyone else. I look forward to the rest of your sessions.