Three years ago I was at the local library and ran across a copy of Smart Women Finish Rich. Being a single woman and a home owner I’ve used the library for a number of HOW TOO, FIX THIS and PERSONAL GROWTH books that I couldn’t afford other wise. Thank goodness I found your book and can honestly say that it has changed MY LIFE! It has put ME in control over my finances which use to be in control over me.
What I have learned from your books has started me on a journey of self dicovery beyond any of my expectations. And here are some of my changes:
(Please keep in mind most of these figures are very small, but to me the rewards have been and are priceless)
1) 2 years ago I refinanced my 30 year home mortgage to a 15 year mortgage @ a 5% intrest rate appose to 6.25%. The intrest & time will save me around $40,000 and will shave off 10 years of the original loan. Which will mean my primary home will be paid off by the time I’m 50. YA! Also my home apprasial found that my house was worth $25,000 more than I orginally paid for it. This info inabled me to get out from underneath a whopping $63 dollars extra a month tacked onto my house payment for PMI. This $63 dollars helps pay the slight increase on my house payment. So my house payment only went up $42. This extra was easily found using the Latte Factor your book taught so successfully.
2) Over the last 3 years I’ve learned How to Pay My Self First through my 401K plan. 3 years ago I was only saving 6%. 2 years ago I increased it to 10% and 1 year ago I changed it to 17%. My goal is 25% we shall see!
3) I have 1 credit card and haven’t paid one nickle of intrest in the last three years. By switching company’s once a year with 0% intrest free offers and no blance transfer charges. I’m finally getting that monkey off my back and will be free of it once and for all come Jan 2006.
4) My Latte Factor was eating out lunch every day. I’ve cut that back to only once a week and now walk and bring my lunch. This has helped peel off about 10 lbs and has helped my monthly budget not go out the window.
5) I have learned how to truely SAVE and put off instant gradification for securing the kind of life style I want to have in the future.
6) GOALS I realize are a vessel to achieving what you want out of life. I’m so glad I understand how important they are. Visiting with them on a daily basis has empower me to accomplish much more than I ever thougt possible.
7) The last 2 years I’ve done my own taxes. Just ask any of my friends or family if they can belieive it. I still can’t. This list could go on and on but I can’t possible tell it all. So on that note.
RESPECT, of self is something money can’t buy and in a world were everthing has a price on it I am so glad I found your little jewel in that library. PLEASE know I loved your book so much I went out and bought 2 copies 1 to keep and 1 to share. I believe in sharing PURE & USABLE knowledge and that is what your books have to offer…
PS… One of my best goals is to have a second home. BEACH or MOUNTAINS, oh my the possiblities are endless……