Mine is a success story in the making. I just (tonight) finished being inspired and motivated by your book “Start Late, Finish Rich”. At 54, I am in a rather unique position. I just left a dead-end job at Wal-Mart I have held for 11 years. I also have recently finished an A.A in Multimedia/Broadcast and am set to complete my Bachelor’s Degree in the next 2 years. For the last two years I have been living with and caring for my father, who passed away in October. I don’t own or rent a home of my own but I’m completely out of debt, having just finished paying off my car (5 months early!). I have a little over $11,000 invested in an IRA. I have 5 different credit cards with available credit of almost $10,000. Most are tucked away in a file and not used. What little I do use to purchase on the internet or take advantage of local store offers for store credit cards is paid in full EVERY month, no exceptions. I got the cards to help improve my credit rating which took a beating after a divorce in 1990. I have to admit I get a real kick out of looking at them and knowing I have the knowledge, willpower and restraint NOT to use them. I have been down that road before.
After reading your book, I am beginning research on real estate in the area where I will be going to school in anticipation of finding something that will enable me to not only avoid paying rent for myself but also for my son, who is attending school in the same place. We may even find something big enough to take on a couple of extra “boarders” to help with expenses. Financial resources from my father’s estate should allow a modest investment.
My biggest problem, aside from the fear generated by being a “jobless” entrepreneur , is the pressure from the “nay-sayers” who are too conservative to invest aggressively in real estate. That and a definite lack of self confidence. Even as I say out loud to myself “YOU CAN DO IT, MARY!” I’m shaking in my boots.
Here is where your book comes into play, providing me with the tools to organize and plan the direction to take toward financial independence. Not only will I be investing in real estate, but also developing my own business recording living history videos for families and “Story Time” videos – recordings of grandparents, absent parents or other relatives reading stories from favorite children’s books for young children whom they don’t get to see often. All that you say about living rich and with joy applies here. My heart fills to the brim when I talk with people about doing this work.
I have registered for your seminar in Rosemont, Illinois on March 25th and look forward to the added inspiration of hearing you speak. A copy of this email will be placed in the files relating to my financial planning. A year from now I hope – no, I PLAN to send you another email detailing my success.
Thank you for all that you do and for taking the time to read email from folks like me.
Until next time,