Dear David,
Thank you for your books and crisp delivery. I scanned “Automatic Millionaire” at a bookstore 3 weeks ago and purchased “Start Late & Finish Early” a week later. Scanning & reading your books immediately mobilized me. Using the DOLP approach I restructured my debt payments and paid off two debts and gained $609/mo that is going toward “Paying me First”. Additionally, I pursued a credit union VISA at 9.5% and transfered over two credit cards at 24.9% and 25.9% respectively. I’ve ceased the free-flow purchases of coffee and sweets during the work week and have begun brown bagging it 4 days a week. I’ve even been rethinking my weekend driving errands to be more efficient with my time and gas mileage. This morning called my Insurance company to transfer my auto insurance over to my home Insurance company gaining 10% discount on home owner Insurance & getting a better auto rate too. That AM call will save me $987 over the coming year. I am so happy with the revamping already accomplished and see more savings and riches in my future.
Thank You!
PS I am buying three copies of Automatic Millionaire which I am giving to my two nephews and to my son.