Dear David–
I’ve had the good fortune not only to meet you in person but also to interview you for my magazine. Thanks to the insights I gained from you, I was inspired to sign up for The Automatic Millionaire Coaching Program.
I’m so glad I did!
I’m in the enviable position of being a telecommuter–real job, real salary, real benefits, but no commuting, expensive wardrobe, or, in fact, lattes.
I make a good if not huge salary and own a wonderful house that is rapidly appreciating in value. I recently used proceeds from a low-interest home equity line of credit to pay off five credit cards, and I cancelled three of them. By automatic deduction I contribute $100 per pay period to my 401(k) and $200 a month to a retirement account with a brokerage house. I also have a Roth IRA and am building an emergency cash fund.
I’m a tireless coupon saver. I shop for things I need when they’re on sale. I buy most of my clothes at thrift stores, where a well-made pair of pants (Liz Claiborne, Talbot’s, or Jones New York, anyone?) costs $2 and an L.L. Bean Polar Fleece jacket goes for $4. I check each item carefully for holes, pulls, stains, and so on and take only the gently worn items. I get flattering comments on my clothes and smile to myself. If they only knew!
Thanks to the Coaching Program, I now realize that my money problems over the years have had less to do with The Latte Factor and more to do with my failure to save/invest the money I don’t spend on things like, well, lattes. And drinks, snacks, cigarettes, or pricey dinners out.
The huge, life-altering message I’m getting from the Coaching Program and from reading your books is threefold:
1. Be aware of how and where I spend my money.
2. Pay myself first.
3. Make it automatic!
I’m so excited about the new insights I’m gaining from you, and instead of berating myself for past (and some current) financial crimes, I’m focusing on solutions. I was delighted to discover that I already have in place a filing system very similar to the one you recommend. I recently met with my financial adviser (I fired the previous one, who let my IRA money slide down the tubes in 2000, never called me, never made recommendations, and spent way too much time trying to impress me with her star-studded client list). My new adviser is terrific. I met with him last week, told him about the Coaching Program, and asked for his advice about investment choices in my 401(k). Next January I plan to come as close as I can to maxing out my contribution.
Could Elisabeth Boone ever dare to dream of becoming an Automatic Millionaire?
Not till your first call last week.
Now I know it’s not just a dream, because with your guidance, I’m making it happen.
David, I truly never believed I’d be able to have anything other than a shame- and fear-based relationship with money. Thanks to you, I’m taking a clear-eyed, positive look at my finances, making new choices, and feeling confident and purposeful.
Next: my triumphant return to healthy eating and daily exercise.
Thank you, David! Thank you a thousand million times!