My name is David Klein and I am 26 years old. Your book was very interesting and as promised, a very easy read. As you note in the book, most of the principles that you talk about I was already aware of. And most of them I was already practicing to some degree.
The “Latte Factor” was an aspect that I was aware of and that I have been practicing for awhile. I virtually never spend money on unneeded items like coffee, cigarettes, magazines, candy bars, etc. The only things I spend money on daily are tolls to get to work and lunch. I figured out that if I leave for work about 10 minutes earlier than usual, I could take an alternate route that would allow me to avoid the tolls and still get to work on time. Roundtrip this saves me $3.30 per day.
The lunch I eat is very modest. It consists of a 6-inch sub and a small drink. The total comes to $5.02…not very extravagant! But I calculated that buying the necessary items at the grocery store and making the sandwich myself, I could save nearly $4.00 every day.
This comes to a total of $7.30…exactly what I strived for. That money is now going to start going into a 401k that, in addition to the other principles you highlight in your book, will make me a millionaire!
Thank you so much. I know that “The Automatic Millionaire” is going to tremendously change my life and the lives of friends (since I am going to share this with everyone I know)!