I saw your book The Automatic Millionaire in Costco and thought, “what the heck, let’s see what this guy knows”. What amazed me was that I was already doing just about everything you recommended. I didn’t call it my Latte Factor though but my “dirty little habit”. I figured so many people smoke and always seem to find the money for their addiction so I took up smoking on paper. I put $10 a day into an account for my new 8 month old daughter’s education. So far she has over $3200 to her name and I’m thinking of going up to a two pack a day habit in the future. We have also been contributing the max to our respective RRSP’s for seven years now. I’ve always paid my mortage weekly ever since buying my first home in 1990. Two years ago I asked the bank to deduct an extra $125 a week, which is straight principle, and it has put a serious dent in what we owe. I expect to be out of debt in about eight years. Keep preaching the gospel – it works. We are almost halfway to millionaire status and I just turned 37 today.