What cracks me up is that so many men don’t get it. What don’t they get? They don’t get that women make better clients than men. Ladies, on average you refer 3 to 1 vs men. You know why that is? Hmmmm…it’s because you have this thing called “friends.” Guys, when you get over 40, you’re lucky if you can count your good buddies on one hand. My wife can talk to 10 friends in an hour. Guess who gives out more referrals? My wife. Duh. Wake up guys in the business world, you want women clients.
And to my men buddies out there, it might not hurt for us guys to stay in touch too. I can’t prove this one, but I think one of the reasons women outlive us by at least five to seven years is because they have more friends. So men, go call your old buddy today and say “hi.”
I bet he misses you too.