Hi David:
First of all, I am “graduate” of your Smart Women Finish Rich book. When I read it, I was a recent college grad, living at home, had a full time job yet was drowning in debt. I wanted to move out on my own debt free and I did that. Now, almost 10 years later, I am faced with debt (again!) You think I would have learned my lesson the first time!
Your Debt Free for Life book is exactly what I needed as one my resolutions this year is to pay off my credit card, my car and my husband’s credit card (luckily we only have one each). My husband and I want to buy a house but we want to put 20% down (no easy task, especially here in the Bay Area!).
I am instantly hooked! I love your book.
Also, I got my recent credit card statement and it shows how long it would take me if I continue to pay the minimum AND it also shows if I doubled the minimum payment, how much I would save AND how much faster I would pay it off (25 yrs vs 36 mos). I am even more determine to pay off this credit card debt and put that money toward a down payment for a house.
Thank you again.