I too saw you on Oprah and I ran to the library immediately and checked to see if they had any of your books. They had “Automatic Millionare”, but all 3 copies were checked out! So I had my name added to the waiting list. They called me the next day and I started reading as soon as I got home. This was on Friday. It is now Sunday.
Over the weekend, I have talked to our brokerage company about sending me the forms so that we can automatically deposit $250 per month in each of our IRA’s and $500 per month into our Money Market account. I have also talked to our morgage company about going to a bi-weekly payment plan.
I have also talked to my 15 year old daughter, who just started working 2 weeks ago about getting direct deposit with her paycheck and having 50% of her check directly deposited into a Money Market account.
Over all, we have been doing pretty well the last few years. We have almost 8 months salary in our Money Market account. We both have IRA’s and my husband has a 401k with 6% going into it for now. I am going to talk to him about changing it to 10%.
David…in one weekend you have changed my life. I will recommend your books to anyone who will listen! What you say makes so much sense. Next on the reading list, Smart Couples Finish Rich! Thank you and God bless you!
(The picture is me with my 2 beautiful daughters Aimee (left) & Sara (right).