I just finished reading Start Late, Finish rich. It was the first Debt Reduction/Investment Book I have ever read and WOW! was I impressed! I am 31 years old and have been investing a little for 8 years. However, I never felt like I was getting ahead. After reading your book, I went through my spending per month and so far have found $502 in savings – AND THAT IS OLNY MY FIXED BILLS – I HAVEN’T EVEN GOTTEN TO MY SPENDING YET! In addition to this I called my credit card company and with one phone call got my interest rate reduced from 22% to 0%!!! To say the least I am thrilled. I already have an appointment with my financial advisor about increasing my SEP Contribution and setting up a ROTH IRA! I am so excited about taking control of my future and finding additional savings I can invest. Thank you so much for the easy to follow steps in your book – I am ordering Smart Women Finish Rich – AND I INTEND TO!!! Thanks again, Bethany