Well I’m already on the last chapter of your book and just now writing to you about my own Latte Factor. It’s your own fault since your book just makes me want to keep reading and learning about how to become an Automatic Millionaire. Anyway; between my daily coffee and drinks my Latte Factor for
one day is $9.10 and in 40 years it would be worth $132860.00!!
Well that made me a little mad at first (mostly at myself and some at the coffee for tasting so good) and I decided to use that money for my future. I started reading your book on Monday and by Friday I have: already set up a Roth IRA with automatic biweekly payments at my local bank, am researching for my Rainy Day accounts, and know how much house I can afford using the biweekly mortgage payment plan! I did all this while working 14 hour duty days but it’s definitely worth it.
Only buy items with cash and don’t own a credit card (to the shock and dismay of my friends). Now your book is completely changing my mind about actually having a plan to retire rich. Thanks.