You proposed a great question in your last FinishRich newsletter. Who are you spending time with? Wow, that opened my eyes. The past two years I have spent time with an individual who has drained me emotionally and financially. With loss of jobs (yes, that is plural ~ this person went through about eight in two years!) and their drug addiction, my savings has dwindled to next to nothing and I have more debt than I had two years ago.
I’m free now, but need to really focus on where I go from here. I cannot afford to join your coaching program, but your book is a blessing. I do many of the things already, but now it’s time to get serious. I’ve started two streams of income (in addition to my full time job) and I hope to use this money to pay down my debt asap. (In addition to about $6,000 in credit card debt, I owe a whopping $75K in student loans. Yikes!)
Thank you for your information, and I know in no time at all I will be on my way to financial security. I don’t need to be ridiculously wealthy..I do need to be financially secure.
Best regards,