Daivd, I was one of those women who were considered smart, but in reality I wasn’t very smart at all.. I was a stay-at-home Mom and was married 11 years to a younger man whom I totally depended on to manage our finances, and in the end I was left with a business/personal bankruptcy in my name only, and 2 little kids to take care of… So at age 40 I was starting all over again… Once I got over the self loathing & pity stage, I vowed to myself that I would learn from this, and that I would never make this mistake again. Instead, I would educate myself financially as my ex did with his MBA… So I started with your book, “Smart Women Finish Rich”. From there I took community college courses in Simply Accounting & Basic Bookkeeping as you suggested. To this day I still dislike paper work, but I do it because I know that to let anyone else manage my money 100% is a recipe for disaster… In 3 short years, I got through my bankruptcy, and started to build my own credit back. I bought an older house with a second mortgage of $60K @ 16.9% which I paid off in my first year of working again. And since then, I’ve bought two more properties for additional revenue. Without your book, I don’t know where I would be today? Probably renting, with no plan or dream for the future… Thank you so much for your wisdom and guidance… It’s changed my life… Carrie (The picture is of me in front of my brand new 1/2 duplex that I had just bought all on my own with my own credit!)