Hi David:
I would first like to share with you how I came into possession of your book “Start Late, Finish Rich”. I bought a bed from folks who were moving and along with the bed they gave me several boxes of odds and ends they didn’t need anymore. Well, in one of those boxes was your book. I now view it as the most valuable item anyone has ever given me. The book mirrored my life. I am in my early forties and just beginning my road to financial freedom.
I started reading your book that evening and the next day I took action. My first stop was a new bank. I went in with the intention of opening up an RSP. I shared some of my financial issues and in doing so found them almost bending over backwards to help me. They have agreed to consolidate my debts at a much lower interest rate than what I was paying. They set me up with a managable RSP and along with all that I opened up a no-fee chequeing account.
My next stop was my work. I took your information to heart and decided to make some big changes at work. I went in with an idea on how I could make work for myself by taking on a project my manager had been talking about doing for some time. I am in a unionized workplace but was able to come up with a proposal that honoured our collective agreement but still got me more work. Little did I know that my employer had just decided he had to cut my hours from 40 a week to 9 due to a decline in business. If I had not read your book the night before I would have frozen in terror at his words. But as it was the timing was perfect and he was very open to any idea I had to keep me working. He made it very clear that he did not want to lose me.
My next stop was my children. I have been working on my “Latte Factor” for quite some time but wasn’t able to explain it to my children as well as your book did. I shared with them some of what I read in your book and asked them to sit down and figure out their “Latte Factor”. They were absolutely amazed at how much money they waste and are on the road to investing in themselves.
I then started thinking about my personal passions and how I would use those passions to give back to the community. I have been a single parent for many years and decided to use my experience to devise a plan aimed at helping single parents. It’s an idea at this point but I plan on taking action as soon as tomorrow to further my idea.
The ideas are just flowing out of me and I am more excited and hopeful than I have been in a very long time.
In your book you put to words what I have been thinking for some time. There is a lot of money out there just waiting to be made. I just needed the tools and the push to get going.
I will buy a home very soon and I will be prosperous in other areas as well. There is no holding me back thanks to the help and guidance I received from reading your book!
Thank you.
PS: My youngest child is very excited about being part owner of McDonalds!