Dear David,
I truly believe that your books are the most inspiring and helpful in guiding people toward their financial goals. Although I have never had much of a latte factor, I see others who do and wish I could hand them a copy of your book and see how their lives would change.
I have read “Smart Couples Finish Rich” & “Start Late, Finish Rich” and can honestly say these books have helped me immensely. Everything regarding savings and bills is on autopilot and therefore I really do not have to think about it. I contribute 20% to my 401K and also put money in a ROTH IRA & traditional IRA monthly. After reading “Start Late”, I took your advise from the chapters on real estate and purchased another home 1 year ago, have built a 2 bedroom, 1 bath addition onto it at minimal cost because I have done all the work myself. My other house is a 2 fam. rental which is 1 mile away. My equity in that house is 1 and a half times what is left on the mortgage plus one of the rent checks is my profit, free and clear! I have a goal to purchase another income/equity producing property this year. I have preordered your newest book and can’t wait to have it in my hands. I feel really good about where I stand and I cannot thank you enuogh. My family and I are on our way to becoming an automatic millionaires! God speed.
Utica, NY