I must admit, I was at the bookstore to buy another in a series of Rich Dad, Poor Dad, when I noticed your book Start Late, Finish Rich on the shelf. I had never heard of your series, but being 45 yrs old and afraid I am starting late, I bought your book.
I am very pleased in the simplicity and straightforwardness of the book, without feeling ridiculed as I did when reading the other book series.
Immediately after reading chapter 10, I contacted by broker and divided the $40K in my cash and IRA accounts (yes cash, since I have been terrified in the stock market after losing about $150K from 2001-2003) to the Dow Jones Dividend Index fund; and a Cohen & Steers REIT. Time will tell how these do, but sure beats what I was making leaving the accounts in cash!
I am currently (and have been) investing heavily in South Florida real estate, and 1 home in North Carolina (building homes to flip — something the other book series frowned upon), and have already sold the first investment for $105K over buy price,without even making the first mortgage payment after the home was completed!!.
I admit I need more education in getting financing for the real estate deals, so my next reading will target this area.
I already have had a part time home business supplementing my regular income, but now am focused on building a business (and researching many franchises) as my primary income.
I felt pretty good with my past and now current investment endeavors while reading your book, but realize I have a lot of work to do. I am counting on my future reads of your series to assist me in the my quest for financial freedom