I just turned 18 last month, and I am heading to college. I am so fortunate that my dad is able to pay for my education, and I can go to school, have the biggest meal plan, and I don’t have to pay for it. But where is MY money? Am I really spending $40 a month on Starbucks, McDonalds, and just other fast food? That’s nearly $500 a year. If I saved that money in college (while I take advantage of not having to pay for education, and a majority of my meals), I can save nearly $2000 (EXTRA) at the end of my college career. Sure, I’ll go out and buy myself that frap once a month, but I’m only 50 pages into The Automatic Millionaire, and I thought… “I’m 18. I’m going to college. I want to be a millionaire! I NEED TO START NOW.” Thanks for this awesome book. My friends think I am a geek but I’ll show them up. It’ll be too late when they realize their latte costs them millions!