Using the simple principles you laid out so clearly in The Automatic Millionaire Homeowner, Start Late Finish Rich and Smart Couples Finish Rich, my fiancee and I are turning our financial lives around. We’re nearly debt free, we’ve increased our automatic deposits into our retirement plans and we’re looking to invest in a second property. Thank you for shining a light on the dangers of credit cards and chronic consumerism, and for explaining the basics of sound financial wellness. This essential knowledge should be taught in every high school in America, In fact, we hope your next book is directed toward teens, who will be spared a lot of life’s painful financial lessons if they embrace your simple truths early-on. In fact, if you publish a book for teens, we’ll work to put one in the hands of every high school senior in Rochester, Minn. the year it’s published. Who knows, maybe it will start a grassroots movement! Thanks again David for giving people the tools to change their lives for the better.