Thanks for helping us to see a light at the end of the tunnel. Although we are still working to pay off our debt, so we started paying ourselves first, and that has really helped. We’ve been able to put away around $5000 in savings bonds, CDs and savings since 2003. I also started contributing to my retirement account at work in 2004 and last year doubled the amount I contribute. I also had my husband up his percentage. We refinanced our house to get a better fixed interest rate. We are making bi-weekly payments and rounding up to the nearest dollar amount, so our 20 year mortgage will be paid in about 15 years. We’ve started eating in more, and when we do eat out, we’ve started ordering water instead of soda. That saves an average of $5-$6 per meal after tax and tip are figured in.
We still have a long way to go to pay off everything, but thanks to you, we are finally starting to see the light at the end of the tunnel-and we’re feeling much less stressed as we journey toward that light!