I got your book from our public library, you were definitely right it is a very easy to read book. I am very excited about the whole idea and have told several people. I want my husband to read it so he can be as excited as I am. It makes so much sense I think that is why the guy on the radio in your book thought it was so stupid. A person should feel stupid that they can’t control themselves better.
My husband and I work together so we are packing lunches now and buying drinks and meals to eat here at work instead of going out everyday. Even if a person cannot do all of it, try a few things and you will be suprised at how much difference it makes.
I have increased the amount I am taking out for my retirement and called our credit card companies. I lowered my interest on our gas card by 10%. It is amazing what they will do when you ask! We have a Sears card, and that is one of our biggest. It is at $2300.00, but altoghter on credit cards we only owe about $3800.00, so we are doing good.
David I have to tell you that we have come a long way and want other people to know there is hope. We have had a lot of problems and I mean extremely bad problems, but are slowly getting out of it. It just takes time and a different mind set. If you don’t have it don’t spend it. I was so caught up in the things I just had to have and needed to buy, or THOUGHT I needed to buy. Because my husband and I have worked together we are doing great. Your book just helped us see another perspective and one that you can do with little effort. It is not worth the stress and hassle to buy all the things that you just think you need.
We appreciate you sharing your stories. Oftentimes people in difficult financial situations feel isolated and doomed to failure. They are not and we are living proof. We may not have it all, but we are so much happier and with ourselves and each other. Thanks for the insight.