My husband and I were recently married on 4/29/06. I read your book the Automatic Millionaire while on our honeymoon! I started reading sections of the book to my husband on the beach and we were both in agreement that the minute we get home we will take your advice. We both work and I take care of all the bills. I set up every last bill on autopay so every month no matter where I am or what I’m doing I have no fear of a late payment or a late fee….ever. I’ve also set up our ING account which now collects 4.5% to take $1,000.00 weekly from our checking account. Every now and then I take a peak and transfer an extra thousand or two to plump it up even more. Now we have $52,000.00 in Savings in ING alone, not including our other accounts such as IRA’s, eTrade, and Fairholme Fund. We are so pleased that we have been able to save this money in under one year. It could have gotten lost in haphazard spending, but instead we pay ourselves first!! Thank you for all the fantastic advice. I wish more people could read your book and realize how truly simple it is to save if you think of yourself first and take the first steps. We also own 2 condos, 1 we rent out and the other we own. We are looking to buy a house now.
Our best,