Dear David,
First of all I wanted to say thank you for including me in your workbook for the Automatic Millionaire and for sending me a signed copy. After reading my quote, I realized that I’d like to update you. Since I wrote to you last quite a few things have happened; not the least of them becoming almost two years older.
I have increased my contributions to my 401(k) account to 15% of my income; this includes any bonuses that I receive. I have found a CFP that I absolutely love and is a treasure to work with. My CFP is helping me structure my investments to make sure that my Security Basket is on its way to being fully funded. My Retirement Basket is well on its way to making sure that I am a millionaire by the time 65 rolls around. My Dream Basket will shortly be restructured to be a little more aggressive since I will not need the funds for the foreseeable future.
As if that is not enough, after I max out my 401(k) contributions for the year (my IRA for this year is already maxed out); I will start saving for my first home. This account will be funded with monies that would have gone into my 401(k). I will also be debt free save a car loan by the end of the year.
I’m not done yet, last year I had begun to explore the possibility of opening a side business. This is an idea that I had decided to back burner a few months ago until I picked up your latest book, Start Late, Finish Rich. It is jammed packed with ideas that should help me focus and find a way to increase my income.
So David, I can’t thank you enough for providing so much inspiration. If I had never seen you on Oprah after you released Automatic Millionaire, I’m sure I’d still be floundering around and would not have accomplished as much as I have in the past two years.
Thank you again for giving me so much that I can use to grow on and share with others. I’m sure the next time I write, it will be to say that I have opened a successful business from my home.
Forever Grateful,