It was awsome hearing you speak at the Learning Annex San Francisco. I went to see both you and Jack Canfield, so I left happy.
I wanted to also say “thank you” I read your Smart Couples Finish Rich and also passed on your Smart Women Finish Rich to two of my women firefighter friends who are single parents, and they greatly appreciated the books.
I also recently gave my mother and father your Start Late Finish Rich late Audio CD and book and to my suprise my father who is a grave yard working Registered Nurse has been listening to it on his way to work. It was so funny to hear him talk about the “Latte Factor” to me. He greatly appreciates it, as he is 62 and probably going to have to work until 70 when they force him out, because lack of retirement… And this man makes $130,000 per year by himself! My mom unfortunatley also is in the same boat as a Registered nurse who is unable to retire for about 15 years. Your book has given them the hope that they lost back. To see the smile on my fathers face when he was talking about the “Latte Factor” made my day David.
One last thing I want to thank you for coming out with your book Smart Couples Finish Rich, because I have read it and am now begining to use it, before I get married this July. Now I really feel like I will be on the Road to success with my Firefighting and Realtor career, because of your simple Financial Guidance.
Thank You,