Dear Mr. Bach,
I am happy to report that I am doing two things with the information provided in all of your great book.
1) Sharing your books and information with several family members and a younger colleague.
2) Using your information to help my husband and I to Finish Rich. As a result:
I have dramatically increased my 403B contributions – I thought I was already maxing this out but at your suggestion to check with my benefits office to see if changes had been made I found out I can now contribute up to $14000/year! This will be a huge difference for me.
I am also working on getting our emergency money out of stale checking and savings accts and into money market acct. or stable fund. I have just moved two underperforming mutual funds that have not come close to the S&P 500 and moved them into better performing Index Funds with even lower expenses. I am also helping my husband to reevaluate his holdings. I have cut way back on our spending. We were already pretty good before but we needed a good reminder since our salaries had grown so had our spending. My husband is very excited about this. I keep reminding him and my daugter of the latte factor. We have already saved hundreds of dollars in just a few weeks. I have my 15 year old daugter saving 50% of her income for college/long term and it is all put in a Roth retirement acct. My mom has just lowered the interest rates she was paying on several of her credit cards since listening to your Start Late Finish Rich audiobook I gave her for her birthday.
I am amazed at how all of these neglected things can add up. Thanks for making me pay closer attention. I think I had lost some of my enthusiasm with saving and investing with the earlier downturn of the stockmarket but now am back on track. Your advice has been so helpful. Thank you for putting this information together in such an interesting, motivational and easy format.