Automatic Millionaire was given to me as a gift by my girlfriend’s mother (I wonder if she knows something I don’t). I read it while on vacation, and it was very comforting to me. You see, I am a recently graduated pharmacist that grew up with very modest means. I am now getting regular paychecks for the first time in my life. Anyway, I quickly discovered that I am not a good spender, and started putting 30% of my checks into the retirement plan that work offers (yes, pretax). I am debt free other than student loans and the remainder of my car loan which will be paid off within a year (3 years ahead of schedule).
So if you want a good prospective person to follow, I could be your man. Two months ago, I was graduating and had nothing, so I am building from scratch using exactly your method…Oh, yeah, EVERYTHING IS AUTOMATIC…I’m as busy as anyone else.
Thank you!