I am 22 years old, a recent college grad and newlywed. I have a very interesting arrangement though. With the job market currently in the toilet, I had to take a job in Atlanta, GA, while my husband finishes his PhD in Knoxville, TN. We have to pay for two of everything right now on a starting salary and a college stipend. Needless to say, things were tight. I say were because I found your book “The Automatic Millionare”. After reading just a couple of chapters I started running our numbers. Wow, were we spending a lot on nothing. I was already signed up for the 401k but increased my contribution to 10%. I also ran the numbers on monthly expenses and bills. I noticed that we could save $500 a month by limiting the “empty purchases” each month (excessive eating out, WalMart etc). We only eat out on the weekends now (every weekend I drive back to Knoxville to spend time with him). I also keep a monthly spending spreadsheet for each of us (including anything and everything that we spend, down to a stick of gum). It’s very interesting just in one month to see how different our spending habits are. We are slowly saving more and more each month by cutting down on the nothing items.
I don’t take excuses from friends and family anymore when they say they can’t save. If we can save, anyone can. You make it so simple. I can’t wait for your book for young investors like myself. Truly, you are a genius!! Instead of thanks a million I would like to say thanks for the million.