Dear David,
I just wanted to say thank you!! About two years ago I sat down and read “Automatic Millionaire” and it has dramatically changed my outlook on my financial life. Until I read your book, I had never actually sat down and worked out my expenses. You see, I lived in a bit of denial. In retrospect, I realize this was my parents’ approach to their finances and I see how they struggle now in what should be their golden retirement years.
Seeing my expenses and my debts laid out on paper made me face some hard facts about my financial situation, my irresponsible spending habits, and what I wanted out of life.
The first thing I did was commit to paying down my Visa debt. I realized that I had consistently been carrying between $3,000-$5,000 on my card for more than 5 years, and on top of that, I was consistently carrying a $3,500 sum on my Line of Credit! (The same Line of Credit I had used to pay down my Visa debt, which went right back up within that year). When it sunk in that my debts were feeding the bank’s bottom line, first I got angry, then I took action.
Now, I try not to buy anything unless it’s with cash or unless I know I can pay it off by the end of the month. I think this has been the toughest adjustment. Your book gave me hope, a sense of optimism, and the determination to stick with it. Instead of feeling that debt is something that we just have to live with, I have started thinking, “No way. Not me!” Then I made it my goal to go into a home purchase debt-free.
So, two years later, I am almost debt-free, I am saving 12% of my income toward my retirement, and I have just made an appointment with a real estate agent.
Even though I am only 34, I wish I had picked up a book like yours 10 years ago. However, it is never too late and I am going to convince my sister and my brother to read your books. You are awesome!!
Thanks so much for following your dream. You have found your calling.
Take care,