Me and my wife Deborah who have been dating since Apr 2003 and got married in Dec 2005. She gave me the automatic millionaire book just before we got married in Jul 2005. This book changed our life. We were and still are two people madly in love with each other. Although we had no finincial plans in life and retirement was not even on the radar. Both of us had good jobs but we were living pay check to pay check with no saving. Reading this book was a wake up call and simple to understand. I first kicked myself for not starting early. I was 35 and my wife was 36 when this happened. We then started following Mr. Bach’s advice and now we not only have a house we have started a emergency fund and also have some savings in just one year after we got married. We are now two exicted people who look forward to hit the million mark and aim to be debt free and have saving fo retirement. This month we went a step further and initiated the process to enroll in one to one coaching. We both like to thank you David for making such a huge difference in our life. I wish I had your advice much earlier but still no harm done got it has all happened just in time. Thank you