I’m a single parent and have been since high school. When it came to the simple facts about spending money I was lost. While growing up my mom was a single parent too, so she never had savings and she couldn’t even think of a Dream Home. When my son turned about four I thought I was going in the same direction. I was tired of the same hampster wheel and no energy to keep going. That winter I bought your book “The Finish Rich workbook”. And it has been a Dream ever since! I have changed everything! I have cleared up my credit, started a budget,Roth Ira, and even a savings plan for My Dreams. I cant begin to thank you for your sharp wisdom! I have made a plan, and it feels GREAT!!!!!!! Thank you for sharing your wisdom! My son is nine now and everything that I have learned I am teaching him! the “latte factor” is a great place for him to start! (junk Candy everytime we go to the store!)
Thanks again,
P.S. I bought my family your book and a blank “Dreams List” attached, for Christmas!!!!!!!