I attended your workshop in Seattle, WA last year, and I am about to become a homeowner! I close on April 19 on a 2 bedroom condo with a view of the sound!
I would not have been able to doit without your book. I read each chapter and I gave myself a week to do homework – the checklists at the end of every chapter.
I created an automatic plan to pay off all my credit card debt and opened an automatic savings account with ING direct for my house ( thanks for the suggestion!)
I also started a game with the latte factor. Every time I wanted to buy a latte in the coffe shop downstairs form my office I would walk across the street from my work to the bank and deposited the money in my house account.
I also had a garage sale and put all the money I made in the house account. Tax return house account!
All of the sudden I had 1000, then 2000 and then 3000.
I found a great loan officer and real state agent and attended a couple of workshops for condo and home buyers in my area. I also checked the programs offered by my credit union and the State Department of Housing and I found a great loan!
I got so into this that my friends started to ask me for advice and a couple of them already have anough to cover their closing costs!
Anyway, I found a place, made and offer and, oh boy! This has been the most stressful thing I have ever done!
I am stretching myself, but hey! I figure that a year of not going out to dinner every night, bringing my lunch to work and not taking trips here and there every month are worth letting go for a future of financial security.
Your workshop made such an impact in my life that I am even thinking on becoming a loan officer so I can help others to start their path to wealth.
Thank you so much!