My wife is an avid Oprah fan, she made me watch it with her one day when you were on. That night I ordered your book the Automatic Millionaire online. I gave it to her to read first. She set it down I picked it up and finished it. David that book changed both of our lives. When I graduated from high school I got my first credit card. Soon after that I got my second, and third. I took a great summer vacation that year and maxed out all three cards. When I met my wife I told her we couldn’t get married until I paid off my debt, she asked how much I had. I told her $26,000, she should have RUN but she didn’t. She helped me work on it and using your system we have cut that debt. I will be turning 30 in December, she will be 26 in September. We are out of debt except a house payment and car payment. We don’t carry any credit card debt, and my credit score is rising. With my company matching 120% of the first 6% of contributions to my 401(k) I’m putting in 10% so I’m getting roughly 17% or $8000.00 per year. She is putting 10% into her 401(k) as well. We are well on our way to being Automatic Millionaires! THANK YOU SO MUCH!