Dear David:
We’ve spent years worrying about retirement, but not acting on it. We saw you on Oprah a few months ago and went out and bought Automatic Millionaire that evening. My wife read it out loud over the next few days so we could absorb it together. We acted on it as we read. Jennifer has listened to your Smart Women Finish Rich book on tape, and we are currently in the middle of Smart Couples Finish Rich.
Your ideas have completely revolutionized the way we think about money. This has been life changing. We’ve automated EVERYTHING possible and opened up our ING account for our emergency savings. We’ve now set up a file system very similar to what you recommend. We’re paying ahead on our mortgage. Jennifer’s 401K now receives a significant portion of her paycheck. One of our biggest Latte Factors was eating out – nearly every day! We now take our lunches from home and eat out once (if at all) on the weekend.
We have a “pow-wow” weekly to monitor bills and discuss financial and life goals. This weekly meeting makes it a team effort, eliminates confusion and stress, and makes the system a HABIT. It has even strengthened the communication in our marriage.
Shortly after we finished the book, Jennifer began sharing it with people at work. It changes lives with every one it touches. We compiled a list of over 100 friends and family we would like to give The Automatic Millionaire to for Christmas. The reality is, we will give out about 18 copies and circulate them, several of them to our 400-member church. Then we will watch more lives be changed.
Thank you for writing this easy-to-read, motivating book and starting a revolution in the way America spends money.
If you are ever in Memphis for a seminar we would be thrilled to give our testimony.