Dear David,
I have read all of your books with the exception of Smart Couples Finish Rich. After reading The Automatic Millionaire, I found my latte factor(s) and uncovered $11,310 in savings in one year. I saved $396 on an insurance policy, $4,200 by paying off one credit card, $2,400 by paying off other cards, $100 by getting only the Sunday paper, $480 by coloring my hair myself, $720 in cell phone expenses and $1,300 in reduced college expenses for my son and $1,200 by paying off my IRS debt. After reading Start Late, Finish Rich, I went from saving $200 per pay to over $1,400 per month and I feel that I can do a lot better. Thanks for all of your great advice. I am no longer afraid of money or retirement. I am 52 years old. Thanks again